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Dual Enrollment

Mary Helen Harrison
Dual Enrollment Counselor
(912) 212-8863

Bulloch Schools Dual Enrollment Power Point

SHS Dual Enrollment Deadlines

Fall and Summer Terms: May 1

Students must apply, get accepted, be advised, and registered by May 1.  Colleges will also have their own deadlines to apply, which may be after the SHS deadlines.  However, the SHS deadlines will be firm deadlines for participation in the Dual Enrollment Program.

Before Applying...

  • - This website is used to explore transfer credit between Georgia Institutions.
  • Click HERE for Dual Enrollment Post-secondary admissions requirements for state institutions.

East Georgia State College:


Morgan Clifton (


Note:  Students may use the ACT, SAT or Accuplacer to meet admission requirements at EGSC.

  1.  Read the Bulloch Schools Dual Enrollment Power Point.
  2. Complete the EGSC Application through
  3. Send your official transcript to East Georgia State College (See Instructions)
  4. Complete the online Dual Enrollment application through (See Instructions)
  5. Once you receive your acceptance, email Mrs. Harrison in the counseling office to set up an appointment to discuss course/schedule options and regulations.

Georgia Southern University

Admissions Contact:

Emily King (

Advisement Contact:

Caleb Willson (

Click here for more information from GSU


  1.  Read the Bulloch Schools Dual Enrollment Power Point.
  2. Complete the online GSU Application.  Make sure to select "Dual Enrollment" as Student Type.
  3. Send official transcript to GSU. (See Instructions)
  4. Complete the "Online Dual Enrollment Funding Application" through (Instructions can be found here)
  5. Once you receive your acceptance, email Mrs. Harrison at SHS to set up an appointment to discuss course/schedule options and registration.  Click here to check your admissions status.

Ogeechee Technical College

Lucy Brinson (
Tammy Tillman (

Click here for more information from OTC


  1.  Read the Bulloch Schools Dual Enrollment Power Point.
  2. Complete the online OTC Application. (You must create an account first)
  3. Send official transcript to OTC. (See Instructions)
  4. Complete the "Online Dual Enrollment Funding Application" through (See Instructions)
  5. Once accepted by OTC, email Mrs. Harrison in the counseling office to set up an appointment to discuss course/schedule options and registration.  

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