Today's News
- Google News
4500 sources, updated every 15 minutes - Atlanta Journal Constitution
Encyclopedias & Dictionaries
General Research Databases
- Explora [GALILEO]
Search for content on any topic from all of GALILEO's EBSCO databases - MAS Ultra [GALILEO] (citation help)
Periodicals, Reference Books, Pictures, Maps, etc. - Book Collection: Nonfiction [GALILEO] Searchable full text articles from nonfiction books
- SIRS Discoverer [GALILEO] Includes full-text articles and images from newspapers, magazines, and government documents.
2017 Graduation Ceremony
eBook Collections
- eBook High School Collection [GALILEO]
Books for all academic subject areas, classic literary works, important historical documents and general reference materials - eBook Academic Collection [GALILEO]
Multidisciplinary e-book titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter - eBooks on EBSCOhost [GALILEO]
Searches multiple ebook collections for high schools, community colleges, and public libraries - TumbleBookCloud [GALILEO]
Ebooks that includes fiction, nonfiction, plays, and poetry - Google Books
Look for books offering Full View or Preview
Newspapers & Magazines
- Newspaper Source [GALILEO]
Full-text for 35 U.S. and international newspapers - MasterFILE Elite [GALILEO] (citation help)
Over 1,000 journals and general magazines covering nearly all subjects - AJC ePaper Sign-In Page [WL]
Picture, Video, & Sound Sources
- EBSCO Image Search [GALILEO]
Images relating to current events, history, and nature, plus flags and maps - NetTrekker Image Search
Register for an account while on-campus to access this resource off-campus - American Memory (Lib. of Congress)
- Soundzabound
Music and sound effects